• Mouth Ulcers Home Remedies

Home Remedies


  • Use soft bristle toothbrush and mouthwash
  • Rinse mouth with slight warm and saline water. Add half teaspoon salt in warm water and rinse your mouth.
  • Drink plenty of water
  • Eat softer foods when you have ulcer. Keep bite of food small.
  • Use small size spoon to avoid hurting the ulcer.
  • Quit smoking
  • Regular exercise, meditation, yoga keeps you stress free.
  • Extract of raw crushed garlic on affected area may sometimes help to heal the ulcer fast.


mouth ulcers dos and donts
  • Avoid rough foods like chips, acidic beverages.
  • Avoid hot, acidic, hard, sharp and spicy foods which may aggravate the pain.
  • Avoid gum chewing.
  • Avoid talking while eating
  • Avoid chewing inedible things.
  • Avoid tobacco chewing, smoking and alcohol since they increase the risk of Mouth Cancer significantly.