• Keloid Treatment


Removing the Keloid may not be permanent solution. Surgical removal may cause a larger keloid scar that is why surgery should be avoided.

As keloid is not dangerous, it is most often left untreated by modern school of medicine.

In case of cosmetic disfigurement or due to hindrance of normal function of life, treatment for keloid options include:

  • Steroidal injections on the spot to arrest/regress the growth.
  • If it is not responding, then they opt for surgical removal /excision with or without plastic surgery.
  • Other various treatments like cryosurgery, radiation therapy, laser therapy, interferon therapy are also used in treatment for keloids.
  • In surgical removal, however, recurrences are more common. Also, sometimes, after surgery, it is possible that keloid growth may recur with flare up, i.e., it grows more than its previous size.

Conventional treatment for keloids may have their own complications. Most of the times, their adverse effects will be more than their benefits.
