• Laryngitis Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
  • 1 Does following any particular diet help in laryngitis?

    There is no particular diet to be followed, except for having healthy nutritious food to maintain a strong immunity. This includes fresh fruits, vegetables, salads, whole grain etc. However, there are some foods that you must avoid like: Sour foods like pineapple, lime, oranges and tomato, ketchups, sauces etc. should be avoided. These foods contain acid which can back flow from stomach to esophagus in patients with acid reflux and in turn cause laryngitis.

    Highly seasoned and spicy foods as they may irritate your larynx. Caffeinated, cold and aerated beverages as well as alcohol should be strictly avoided.

  • 2 What are some things I should do or avoid when I have laryngitis?

    While you are suffering from laryngitis, you should:

    • Give your voice as much rest as possible
    • Do gargles with warm water and a little turmeric. It greatly helps in reducing the inflammation
    • Keep your body hydrated with lots of oral fluids (these do not include aerated and cold drinks)
    • Maintain hygienic environment as much as possible to avoid infections
    • Home remedies like herbal tea may prove beneficial.
    • Avoid whispering, yelling or straining your voice.
    • Avoid self medicating.

  • 3 How can I prevent laryngitis?

    Laryngitis can be prevented by taking certain small steps like:

    • Avoid vocal strain by not yelling, screaming, or talking loudly, especially when you have a cold or other throat or sinus infection.
    • Maintain good hygiene and cleanliness in order to avoid viral infections.
    • Don't smoke or indulge in too much alcohol.
    • Keep your home well humidified in cold weather.
    • If you have a heartburn or reflux problem, please see your doctor in order to prevent reflux laryngitis.
    • Have a very healthy and balanced diet and stress free mind for a healthy immune system. A strong immune system can be a great defense against viral or bacterial infections.

  • 4 I am a professional singer and have to use my voice a lot. There are times when I do suffer from sore throat and my voice gets hoarse. And this becomes really stressful for me. These times I take cough syrups or have mint lozenges to soothe my throat. They help me temporarily and that crucial moment is saved when I have to sing. Can I continue doing so or will it be harmful in the long run?

    Singers have to go through lots of voice modulations and this requires a lot strain on the vocal cords and hence they are very much prone to suffer from laryngitis. Cough syrups as well as mint lozenges may desensitize your throat for a while, but they are definitely not a permanent solution. A holistic homeopathic treatment along with some lifestyle measures may definitely help providing you a long lasting relief and preventing recurrences.

  • 5 How can Homoeopathy help in Laryngitis?

    Homoeopathy offers excellent therapeutic results in Laryngitis. Laryngitis being an inflammatory process, homoeopathic medicines act at the cellular level thereby arresting the inflammation, healing the body within and preventing further damage. Homeopathy assists the body's natural healing and brings about a safe and long lasting relief.

    Homeopathy is absolutely free from side effects and it can be given to all including even infants and pregnant women. No two leaves of a single branch of the same tree have the same vein pattern, neither are the fingerprints for two different individuals. Every living being is unique in its own way, even the disease manifestations in different individuals are unique and so must be the treatment.

    There is no system of medicine as individualized as Homeopathy is. And so there are nearly more than hundreds of medicines for treatment for laryngitis which can be used in different cases. For example, if laryngitis occurs due to exposure to dry cold winds, then Hepar Sulph can be prescribed. For laryngitis in professional singers, orators etc, Argentum Met can be helpful.

    Accordingly, there are Drosera, Kali Bich, and Arum triphyllum, Spongia etc. used differently in different cases. Even the potencies can differ in different individuals. And that is the magic of Homeopathy, such individualized treatment and yet so accurate and scientific! Get a world class Homeopathic treatment right at your doorstep!!

  • 6 Is surgery required in all cases of Laryngitis?

    Surgery is not indicated in all cases of laryngitis. When hoarseness is caused by a tumor or other obstruction of the vocal cords or throat, surgery is often required to remove the object.Laryngitis caused by polyps and growths on the vocal cords could necessitate surgery. However prolonged hoarseness or laryngitis not responding to treatment would require laryngoscopy in order to get a better idea of the disease for further assessment.

  • 7 What are the general treatment options for laryngitis?

    Treatment of laryngitis should be done medically as well as with certain supportive measures. Supportive measures include giving your voice adequate rest. Straining your voice, talking too loud, screaming and yelling should be avoided. Larynx must be kept as moist as possible by consuming adequate oral fluids.

    Conventional medical treatment includes decongestants which basically relieves the congestion of the nose and throat. Analgesics are used to relieve pain and fever and steroids are often used to control the infection. Since infections are generally viral, antibiotics do not usually help. Antibiotics are prescribed to prevent further infections or in cases of bacterial laryngitis. Surgery is also advised in some cases.

    These medications only deal with the symptoms of the disease without addressing the root cause.

    Homeopathy on the other hand takes care of the predisposition towards a certain illness, boosts the immune system and treats the disease right from its roots. Get the best Homeopathic treatment from our panel of more than hundred Homeopathic experts now!

  • 8 When should I see my doctor for laryngitis?

    If you have any of the below complaints, you need to consult a medical professional immediately:

    • Sudden change in voice quality, alteration in pitch of voice
    • Hoarseness persisting for more than two weeks
    • In children, sudden difficulty in breathing or swallowing with barking cough
    • Loud or harsh cry, change in pitch in infants
    • Pain while talking or swallowing

  • 9 What can laryngitis lead to? Can laryngitis of long duration lead to cancer?

    Acute viral laryngitis may be self limiting, and hence complications are rare. Chronic laryngitis may lead to damage to the vocal cords. Severe forms of laryngitis like croup and epiglottitis may occur in children may lead to respiratory distress.

    Infection may spread to the lungs causing pneumonia. In cases of sudden change in voice or hoarseness of chronic nature or long duration, abnormal growths and cancer of larynx has to be ruled out. However laryngitis per say has no evidence of leading to cancer. Get a safe and natural homeopathic treatment for laryngitis and prevent these complications.

  • 10 Is it advised to talk or whisper when I am suffering from Laryngitis?

    It is advised to give rest to your voice as much as you can. When you have to talk, speak softly but don't whisper as whispering irritates your larynx more than speaking softly. Try not to clear your throat and avoid activities like singing if your voice is hoarse as it can put much strain on the vocal cords and worsen the condition.

  • 11 What are the risks involved which predispose me to laryngitis?

    You are at risk of developing laryngitis if you are:

    • A Professional Singer, Public speaker, orator, teacher
    • Consuming Alcohol and Smoking
    • Prolong exposure to chemicals and toxic fumes can irritate the larynx and cause chronic hoarseness leading to laryngitis.
    • Aging
    • Lacking basic Hygiene

    To know more about these risk factors, click Laryngitis Risk Factors.
