• Fibroadenoma of Breast



Fibroadenoma is a common non cancerous tumour of breast. As the name suggests, Fibroadenoma consists of fibrous and glandular (adenomatous) tissue.

It is usually firm, smooth, well defined, marble-like, painless lump in breast which is easily movable within the breast. Its size may vary from small to big. It may be one or multiple. Fibroadenoma may be present in one or both the breasts.

Fibroadenomas seem to be affected by sex hormones especially Estrogen, hence it is common in women of child bearing age. It regresses after menopause due to low level of Estrogen. Though rare, it can be seen in menopausal women on Hormonal Replacement therapy. Exact causes behind Fibroadenoma of Breast are unknown.


Quick Look

Mass/ Lump under the skin of breast tissue which is-

  • Firm or solid
  • Painless
  • Well defined in terms of edges or borders
  • Rubbery
  • Smooth or round
  • Movable under skin
  • May be single or multiple
  • May present in one or both the breasts
Click to know more about Symptoms of FIBROADENOMA OF BREAST


  • Though Fibroadenomas are benign; they can distort breast shape if very big in size. This can lead to cosmetic concern in an affected woman. Such situation can lead to low self esteem and poor confidence. Also sometimes based on their locations, they can put pressure on surrounding nerves causing pain.
  • Most cases of fibroadenoma do not increase the risk of breast cancer but yet sometimes in some fibroadenomas there can be rapid tissue change resulting in tendency to malignancy. They become matter of much concern when the size increases.
  • Living under constant fear of getting cancer, even if your lump is diagnosed benign can be quite taxing. It can leave a negative impact on your physical, emotional and psychological health.
  • Women with a fibroadenoma can experience considerable psychological distress, financial burden, and further health complications due to intense anxiety and fear with respect to detection of cancer.
  • Surgical removal comes with its own risks and complications. There are risks of anaesthesia, distortion of breast shape, pain & bleeding after operation, post surgical infection and scarring Moreover many cases recur even after successful surgery. Hence, Homeopathic treatment for fibroadenoma of breast is non invasive yet powerful natural treatment which proves to be a boon for many women.


  • Homeopathic treatment for fibroadenoma of breast is perfectly harmless, non invasive and safe treatment option. Homeopathy is very effective in managing symptoms of Fibroadenoma of Breast and has an excellent success rate. Homeopathy has world class medicines which treat Fibroadenoma of Breast from its roots without any side effects.
  • Homeopathy stimulates body’s healing capacities and gives great treatment in small, moderate sized fibroadenomas. Homeopathy is natural, safe and without any side-effects, and one can enjoy complete freedom from Fibroadenoma of Breast.
  • Homeopathy treats all cases of Fibroadenoma of Breast very effectively and also helps in preventing relapse of the condition.
  • Homeopathic treatment for Fibroadenoma of Breast has more than 100 natural, side-effect free remedies in its medicine bank for the treatment of this condition.
Few of our amazing remedies include:

CALCAREA FLUORICA: One of the quick acting remedies for Fibroadenoma Breast. For hard, solitary, movable, well defined breast lumps. Ambi-thermal. Aggressive, violent, and obese women with degenerative changes in the joints.

CALCAREA CARBONICA : Excellent medicine for Fibroadenoma of Breast in obese women who are tired, anxious and perspire profusely. Good for calcification of fibroadenomas and also for their inflammatory condition. Breast swells and becomes tender before menses. Lumps which are hard, nodular and tender to touch are well treated by this medicine. Acts well in breast lumps of young teenagers who are pale, chilly and sensitive to cold weather. Confused, depressed and sad women with breast lumps.

IODUM : Effective remedy for all kinds of breast lumps. Breast is inflamed, hard, enlarged and nodular. Cases of mal absorption which makes patient emaciated and weak. Although the patient is week he wants to eat all the time. Eating well still emaciates. Patient is very hot.

BOVISTA : Great remedy for breast tumours with stitching pains more in left breast. Pain extends from breast to underarms. Too early and profuse menstruation. Sharp shooting pain in left breast which increases with pressure.
